Industries | Infrastructure Monitoring

Ensuring infrastructure safety and operation
Infrastructure assets are ageing, user demand is heavier than ever and climate change is increasing susceptibility.
Keeping these assets safe and operational in such conditions is the major challenge faced by stakeholders globally. One thing is clear: infrastructure monitoring need to be managed as effectively as possible.
We need to do more with less and that can be achieved by combining infrastructure asset condition data from satellites with good engineering insight.
Problem areas are then pinpointed quickly – sometimes before they are even visible to the naked eye – allowing proactive interventions and the more efficient management of maintenance resources.
Reduce downtime and maintenance costs
With climate challenges evolving, and economic consideration constantly in flux, we are entering a new era of rail maintenance.
Maintaining the integrity of rail tracks isn’t just about keeping trains on schedule – it’s about safeguarding assets, ensuring safety, and optimising operations in the face of escalating environmental challenges.
Download our guidebook below to find out more.
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Maximise productivity, protect the local environment
Mining infrastructure failures are highly disruptive, costly, sometimes dangerous, harmful to the local environment and reputationally damaging.
Monitor the condition of tailings dams, water storage facilities, stockpiles, slopes and mining infrastructure regularly in a non-disruptive way. Use good engineering insight to identify defects before they become visually apparent for cost-effective proactive maintenance and to avoid failures and improve infrastructure safety.
Download our guidebook below to find out more.
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Optimise production, protect the environment
Safety first. Then regulation, environmental protection and productivity. We offer a wide range of support services in the energy sector with minimal disruption to improve energy infrastructure safety.
From reservoir monitoring and heavy loadout expertise to local East Med permitting support, to energy infrastructure safety monitoring for pipelines and offshore facilities.
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Reliable cause and risk information for the built environment and heavy industry
Reliable information is key in the insurance sector both in terms of the susceptibility of an insured asset and the establishment of cause in a claim.
We offer detailed, objective and frequently updated asset susceptibility information based on satellite data analysis supported by our engineering expertise and experience.
We also apply the same techniques to forensic investigations to identify the true cause of claim incidents.